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Loans & Credit Cards

The Mystery of a Great Credit Score and Denied Financing: What Can You Do?


Having an excellent credit score is often considered a financial milestone, reflecting your responsible management of credit and debt. However, as a user recently shared in a forum post, even with an impressive credit score, they were facing repeated financing rejections. This scenario has left them wondering about their future ability to secure a mortgage, among other financial concerns. In this article, we will explore the potential reasons behind this conundrum and provide insights into what steps you can take to improve your financing prospects.

Understanding the Dilemma:

The original post highlights a situation that perplexes many individuals. Despite maintaining a strong credit score of 965, they were repeatedly denied financing, including a simple camera purchase. The user had a history of financial difficulties in their younger years, including a few County Court Judgments (CCJs). However, these issues had been resolved, and their credit score had improved significantly over time. Yet, they were still encountering hurdles in securing financing.

Commentary and Advice:

Forum users offered several insights and suggestions to help the original poster understand and potentially resolve their financing challenges:

  1. Electoral Roll Registration: Being on the electoral roll is crucial, as it helps verify your identity and residence, and it can positively impact your creditworthiness.

  2. Credit Report Review: Requesting a statutory credit report from all three credit rating agencies can provide a comprehensive view of your credit history. It's important to check for any inaccuracies and ensure that your financial records are up to date.

  3. Credit Usage: Maintaining responsible credit card usage and demonstrating a track record of borrowing and repaying debts can improve your credit history. It's advisable to keep credit card balances below 30% of the available limit.

  4. No Credit History May Be an Issue: Surprisingly, having no credit history can sometimes be more challenging than having a history of bad credit. Lenders may prefer to see a track record of responsible borrowing and repayment.

  5. Affordability Concerns: Some rejections may be based on concerns about your ability to afford the repayments. Lenders may scrutinize your income, expenses, and banking details during the application process.

  6. Address Matching: Ensuring that the address you provide matches the one your bank holds can avoid rejections due to address discrepancies. Even minor differences can lead to financing denials.


The mystery of a great credit score and denied financing often arises due to a complex interplay of factors. While a high credit score is a positive indicator, other elements, such as affordability and credit history, can also influence lending decisions. As you work to improve your financing prospects, consider the advice offered by forum contributors. Regularly reviewing your credit reports, building a responsible credit history, and ensuring address accuracy can help pave the way for future financial success.

Remember that obtaining financing is not solely dependent on your credit score. Lenders consider a variety of factors, and by addressing these elements, you can increase your chances of securing the financing you need for important life milestones, like buying a home.